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A video for those whove said they love my voice n could jerk off whilst I read the phone book n for those who want to know more about me n those who could wank to me drinking tea n reading the paper

Đăng bởi MistressWriggler

Video Transcription

Hey there guys and girls and everybody in between

How are you doing? I am

super mega tired and

Super mega horny

Now quite often when I'm super tired, it makes me mega horny anyway

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Sometimes it makes me feel sick, which is less fun



new people to me on

Examster will be ******* of the journey that I've been on this year, which

Has been mental absolutely mental and very fucking enjoyable at the same time but

it's oh


Here's the thing with being

Tired even more forgetful than normal


You do what was I gonna say? Oh, yeah, so

I've had a bit of a crazy life and it generally starts with having cancer when I was a ***

And as a result, I went through the menopause as a teenager before

******* had even had a chance to think about kicking in and so I have been on


Pretty much my whole life, but I had been on

a very inadequate

dose of it which

Finally nearly a year ago got sorted out and I am on an appropriate level


hormone replacement therapy

It has made me

horny as hell


Pretty pretty much all the time

You know where most girls have a week where they ***** each month. I

Pretty much always had a week where I have night sweats

Which can be really brutal and I need to change my PJs like four times a night or more

Or it might I might just get away with having to change it once but since


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  • 40:17